Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria is the World’s second largest fresh water lake with an open surface area of 68,800 km2 and is shared between Kenya (6%), Tanzania (49%) and Uganda (45%). Its basin is used by the riparian communities as a resource for food, energy, water, building materials, transport and as repository for human, agricultural and industrial waste.

The lake and its catchments area supports about 30 million people whish is estimated to be about one third of the total population of the three East African countries.

Without doubt the living standard of the people in these riparian states depend heavily on the physical environment within which they live and operate, consequently the increasing population pressure and socio-economic activities in the lake basin have resulted in changes in its land use, water quality, biodiversity, wetland and fisheries.

Despite the above mentioned problems and considering their magnitudes, nothing much had been done by the government to address these problems. OSIENALA was therefore established to address these problems


  1. Good job, we need more OSIENALAs, some how we have to depart from the mindset that the government will solve all our problems. Solutions have to be local and their implementation by the affected people with aid from such organized groups as OSIENALA. Keep it up OSIENALA!


  2. I like the work Osienala has done more so with the fishermen. Incredible. Keep it up Osienala, we will always support you where possible.

  3. good job. am listening to RLV from mondorf , Bonn cologne germany. you are great. Father FRED Ogambi. catholic diocese of kisumu.
